Home > Assets Custody Business > Custody Service for Private Equity Investment Fund
Custody Services for Private Equity Investment Funds

I. Business Overview
In 2003, ICBC obtained the qualification of providing custody services for industry investment funds, including custody services for industry investment funds, government guidance funds and various private equity investment funds. As at the end of 2023, ICBC has provided custody service for over 800 private equity investment funds.

II. Target Customers
Government guidance funds, industry investment funds, and private equity investment funds.

III. Scope of Services
1.Custody services: Account opening, asset custody, instruction processing and fund clearing, direct system connection, balance reconciliation, statement and report, custodian internet banking, etc.
2.Account for raised funds: Open an account for raised funds, process fund transfer, etc.
3.Fund outsourcing: Mainly including financial services such as valuation and accounting, fund clearing, statement and reporting, information disclosure, performance analysis and customer service.
4.Investment banking service: Leverage the advantages of ICBC Group to recommend investment targets for state-owned enterprises, jointly develop financing tools and provide investment and financing facilitation and support.
5.Cash management: Rich investment varieties, such as corporate deposits and corporate wealth management, fully satisfy customers’ demand for the appreciation of retained funds under custody.

IV. Product Advantages
1.ICBC is the earliest bank to obtain custody qualification. In 2003, the Bank was approved to render custody services for industry investment funds, making it one of the first batch of banks to obtain the custodian qualification for industry investment funds.
2.ICBC has rich experience in the custody of equity investment funds. The Bank has established cooperation with domestic and international leading private equity fund management institutions, has sound policies and measures and standardized operations, and maintains zero risk in its custody service.
3.The custody service is highly professional. The custody practitioners are experienced, with key management personnel having over 20 years of financial industry experience. ICBC is the leader of a number of professional and technical groups as well as the developer of industry norms.
4.ICBC has strong risk prevention and control capabilities in the custody service for privately offered funds. Since starting the custody service for private equity investment funds, the Bank has maintained zero risk.

V. Contact Information
If you would like to apply for any service, please contact the Entrusted Asset Division I of Asset Custody Department of ICBC.
Contact: Feng Han  
Tel.: (8610)66105301
E-MAIL: han.feng@icbc.com.cn
